Page 1 As you can see, I wanted my page to have a subtle grid background. However, I did NOT want to spend hours drawing and aligning vertical and horizontal lines and hoping everything would line up. So I decided to try an experiment - and sure enough - it worked! The whole process took less than 10 minutes, only one layer, and no math! Now, on to the ez grid tutorial..... Step 1: In your mind, choose your color combination. In this tutorial, I selected a black background and a teal grid color (R=0 G=128 B=128) In PSP, open a new image with the following parameters: Step 2: Using your flood fill tool select your background color from your pallette on the right and left click on your canvas. You should end up with a solid square of color. Step 3: Now select View > Grid. Make sure the Grid button is down. Don't panic if you don't see your grid right away - it really is there. You will see it after Step 5. Step 4: Now select View > Change Grid and Guide Properties. Step 5: In this dialog box, make sure your units are in pixels, horizontal and vertical spacing are at 10. Click on the Line color box (that blue box you see, it may be a different color on your system). A pallette will pop up, and select your color from there. Then click OK.
Now, lets go to the next page and make some magic happen! >>>>> |